Union Chapel School, Kolkata

Website : unionchapelschoolcni.org/

Address : 137, Lenin Sarani Rd, Dharmatala, Taltala, Kolkata, West Bengal 700072

Nursery to class 12


Some rules to follow
• Every Student must wear a proper, complete and clean uniform daily.
• The following is the approved school uniform for the students of Nursery to Class 11. It is advisable that children should have at least two sets of uniform.
• Hair and nails must be cut regularly and shoes/keds must be polished.
• Boys must shave as no long sideburns, beard or mustache is permitted in School.
• Boys and girls from classes Nursery to UKG must wear white tracks and slacks respectively from November to February.
• Children must wear the tie, belt, School badge and Students ID card.
• No valuables may be worn or brought to School. School will not be responsible for the loss.
• Hair below shoulder length should be neatly plaited and kept clean.
• No coloured clips, bands or combs should be worn, only black is permitted
• No coloured nail polishes are allowed on fingernails or toe nails, colouring of hair is not permitted.

Knowledge Enhancement
27th January- Sony BBC Earth organized ‘Feel Alive Hours’ in school and it was a factual show in which they showed various experiments to bring children closer to nature and sensitize them to the importance of the natural world and encourage them to adopt and advocate sustainable living in a fun and engaging manner. The programme ended with a quiz in which students received prizes.

School Programme - Parent-Teacher orientation
Parent-Teacher orientation was held on 30th January 2020 for classes 10 and 12. Principal Mrs. Keya
A Prabal conducted the meeting with a PowerPoint Presentation which created awareness among the students and parents about the importance of ICSE and ISC examination.

MESSAGE FROM BISHOP, the Rt Rev Dr Paritosh Canning, Bishop of Calcutta and Chairman, Union Chapel,

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord
. We live in a world of virtual communication. The World Wide Web has made the world seem so much smaller and into one big “global village”. In our fast paced and busy world, people are finding it very difficult to meet in person, a website with information and scope for virtual interaction and communication is now become the order of the day.

Therefore, it gives me great joy to learn that Union Chapel School will be launching its new website soon. I congratulate the Principal, Staff and Students on this new venture. 28th January 2020

Source: unionchapelschoolcni.org