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Address : Ranchi Road, Purulia, West Bengal, PIN 723 101
Phone : 03252-226868 / 03252-223590
Email : /

The Assembly of God Church School, Purulia, is
Organized by
The Assemblies of God of North India, a Registered Society under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act 1961.

Recognized by
The Department of Education, Government of West Bengal

To the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) with Classes Nursery to 12

The school is a co-education, non-residential school

Medium of instruction is

As on year

Streams Offered
• Science
• Commerce
• Humanities

Admission for details

Nursery to Class 9

The beginning…
The opening of The Assembly of God Church School was scheduled for 02 April 1984. The opening was delayed due to the agitation of vested interests in the property which is almost 4 acres in area and is ideally situated at the entrance of the town, and which was handed over to The Assembly of God Church Mission by The Door of Hope Orphanage, which had closed. The turbulence caused by these vested interests was well weathered by the Administration, the very few employees, the parents who rendered strong support and the many well wishers, who craved for a good Christian, English medium co- educational school in Purulia.

Thus, out of the mire of agitation and property grabbing attempts, The Assembly of God Church School, Purulia, was born on 16 April, 1984. The Lord’s presence with the Administration, the Staff and the students was so strong that day and remains so till today as the school goes from strength to strength each year.

The first Headmistress was Mrs Shikha Roychoudhury, the first employee was Mr Menon Kujur, peon, and the first student to be enrolled was Nilanjana Chatterjee in Lower Nursery, as per receipt No. 1. dated 12.03.1984. In these three people the school had a teacher, a peon and a student. These indeed were small beginnings for the great institution it now is. The first Principal was Mr Frank R Freese under whose leadership the school received affiliation to the CBSE and then upgraded to the +2 / Senior Secondary School.

Dr Ronald Shaw, the then Administrator of The Assembly of God Church Schools was the guiding force behind the starting of the school in Purulia and with his able guidance, dynamic leadership and vast experience, the school weathered the storm of agitation and soon got down to the noble cause of education.

Pastor Rev (Dr) D Mark Buntain, the Founder, and his wife Rev (Dr) Mrs Huldah Buntain, now President of The Assemblies of God, ably supported the school both spiritually and financially and it is due to their dedication and love for God and People that the school in Purulia is today the best Christian English Medium School in the District.