St Xavier's Road, PO Sripalli,
Burdwan 713103, West Bengal, India
School Office: (0342) 2644882 / 2646846
School Motto
Truth And Justice
The Present
St Xavier's School, Burdwan, is a co-educational English medium school conducted by the Society of Jesus (Jesuit Fathers). Affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi, it prepares students for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) and Indian School Certificate (ISC) examinations. Both recognized by Universities all over the country.
Aims at integral personal formation of the young; special efforts are made to:
# help them become mature, spiritually-oriented persons of character
# encourage continually to strive for excellence in every field
# value and judiciously use their freedom
# clear and firm on principles and courageous in action
# unselfish in the service of their fellowmen
Admission Formalities
# Application forms for admission to Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary available on dates announced on school notice board.
# New application is required for admission to class 11.
# Admission of St Xavier's Burdwan students to class 11 is not automatic.
# School timing: KG to class 12: 7.20am to 12.45pm.
# Saturday is the weekly holiday unless otherwise specified in School calendar.
# Lost working days due to unforeseen or forced holidays are made up on Saturdays.
# Academic year: April to March.
# Bus service is provided at a provisional rate. Discontinuation not permitted after December.
# Less than 75% not eligible for promotion or ICSE/ISC exams.