St. Vincent’s High and Technical School Asansol

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Address : S.B. Gorai Road, Asansol 713301 West Bengal, India
Phone :  (+91)(341)(2282310)
Email : ;

Academic year
April to March

ICSE (class 10) and ISC (class 12)

To class 1-8 and 11
For current status please visit:

There are also regular courses in
Special care is taken to advise students regarding the optional courses most suitable to them.

Two main examinations are held each year. These are followed by a Parent/Teacher meeting and the distribution of results. Promotion to the next class is made on the results of these examinations and on the basis of unit test results. Should a boy fail to pass the March promotion examination, he cannot be promoted to a higher class.

Some general rules
On class days and at school functions pupils must wear the uniform prescribed for the season. Student should come to school clean and tidy.

Pupils are strictly forbidden to leave the School premises during the regular school hours. Permission to do so may be granted only by the Principal/Coordinator.

Pupils on their way to and from school are expected to conduct themselves in responsible manner.

Pupils are strictly forbidden to introduce objectionable substances or literature into School or to make purchases from unauthorized dealers in or near the school premises.

Parents are expected to co-operate in the working of the School particularly by enforcing punctuality, regularity and discipline, by showing interest in their children's progress and by extending the fullest encouragement to participation in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. Parents should check the School diary regularly.

The pupil must be present on both the opening and closing day. In case of absence due to illness, the Head of the Institution must be informed in writing on the closing and opening day whichever is applicable.

A pupil who has been suffering from or who has been in contact with any infectious diseases must produce a certificate (from a competent authority) that he may attend school without the risk of transmitting infection to others.

Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of homework, disobedience and disrespect towards the members of the School staff or bad moral influence - each and all justify dismissal.

Teachers in this School are not permitted to give private tuition to the pupils of this school.

Duplicate copies of Transfer Certificate are not issued.

Mobile phones are not allowed in School and once confiscated will be returned only when the student passes out of class 10/12. No exchange of mobile phone will be permitted. So make sure that your child does not carry it. It is allowed to only those who have taken prior permission of the principal / coordinator. The school is not responsible for any damage done to the phone.

After the term examinations, there may be a period of non-instructional days, which are not to be treated as holidays.

Every leave must be supported by an application. If it is for a day the application should be sent to the Class Teacher, upto three days to the Coordinator and for a longer period it should be sent to the Principal. If long leave is taken without permission the student's name will be struck off.

Kindly ensure that the school fee is paid on time. Reminders cause unnecessary embarrassment to the child.

St Vincent’s High and Technical School, Asansol, founded in 1919 is one of the 26 CB schools in India. Academically par excellence, the games down the years have been a major characteristic of the School life. Our past pupils are to be found around the world as well as all over India and they remember St Vincent’s with pride. St Vincent de Paul is the patron Saint of our school. The Christian Brothers have worked for almost a century in St Vincent’s School and many of their stalwarts are buried in the St Patrick’s Cemetery.

History February 1927 – July 1964 (written by Br MD O'Donohue > -Condensed By Br White) The foundation stone of St Vincent’s School was laid by Dr Meulman sj, Archbishop of Calcutta, on 25 October 1919.

History February 1927 – July 1964 (written by Br MD O'Donohue > -Condensed By Br White)
The foundation stone of St Vincent’s School was laid by Dr Meulman sj, Archbishop of Calcutta, on 25 October 1919.

The history of the school dates back to1914, when a committee, Calcutta Improvement Trust was formed for opening up the congested parts of Calcutta. One of the roads, 100 feet wide, was designed to run through Chowringee Road to the Cathedral in Moorghihatta, where it was to run through the Catholic male orphanage (CMO). This would leave CMO without a playground and kitchen. On a visit to St Patrick’s Asansol, Br Arsenius Ryan, the provincial of the Brothers, inspected an open partly cultivated plot of 50 bighas as a possible site for the Orphanage. The site was purchased and with the addition of surrounding plots it increased to 390 bighas, the property on which St Vincent’s now stands. Br Joseph Moyes was selected to supervise the construction of the buildings.

In 1927 Br Gabriel Pakenham was appointed superior and the first batch of 29 boys took up residence. They were soon joined by 20 more. Official government sanction came at the end of the year. The number grew steadily as did the staff. Government stipulations were exacting so in1928 it was decided to present students for the matriculation of Calcutta University. Br Baptist Collins, who succeeded Br Packenham, deemed it advisable to utilize part of the extensive property for dairy farming. The herd of St Vincent’s became the admiration of the district. Br Aidan Callaghan followed Br Collins in 1934. Affiliation to Calcutta University was made permanent in 1937. In 1938 arrangements were made for boys to sit for the Board of Apprenticeship Training examination.

The school sailed along on an even keel till the 1939-35 year intervened. In 1942 the British military took over the school. 350 RAF men occupied all the buildings except the Chapel. Seventy eight cattle were sold for Rs 5,715 and other accessories for Rs 7,856. Many of the boys went to St Michael’s, Kurji and were dealt with there as a unit by the education department under the title of “St Vincent’s School, Asansol, now at Kurji”.

In February 1946 Br Adjutor O’Connor returned as superior to take back the property from the military. The buildings and fields were in a sorry state. Workers were employed to clear the debris and establish some semblance of order in the place once more. On 01 March 1947 the school reopened. Much of the land which as formerly cultivated by the school was let out to labourers on half and half basis. Rs 21,117 was received from the military rental and compensation for damage to buildings and grounds.

In 1949 the school took the step of becoming a technical school through the efforts of Br JE McCann a building of 100 feet long and 60 feet wide was constructed and equipped for technical instruction. The provincial of the Christian Brothers in Australia offered the services of a qualified instructor in the person of Br Raphael Maher. The boys of St Vincent’s were presented for the Senior Cambridge Examination with Metalwork, woodwork and technical drawing along with science, mathematics English and literature.

At the end of his term Br Maher returned to Australia in early 1955. Br CJ Harrison came from Australia to take charge of the technical department. He was joined by Br RC Whiting and Br RA Parton also from Australia. Together they built St Vincent’s into the professional technical institution that it is today.

St Vincent de Paul: Saint of the Poor and Patron Saint of our School
Vincent was born in a village in Gascony, France, in 1581. He completed his studies and was ordained a priest in 1600. He was then assigned to a church in Paris.

When attending a peasant who was seriously ill, Vincent witnessed the misery of the peasants. He founded a society of priests to work for the relief of poor peasants.

With the help of Louise Marillac he founded the Society of the Sisters of Charity to attend to the poor and sick and to conduct homes for foundlings, orphans and the aged. He worked among galley- slaves and rescued hundreds of slaves in North-Africa. He died on 27 September 1660 in Paris. Vincent, the peasant priest, was declared a saint in 1737 and later he was proclaimed patron of all charitable societies.

Outstanding among them is the society that bears his name and is infused with his spirit. This society was founded in Paris by Frederic Ozanam in the year 1833. It bears the name the Society of Vincent de Paul.

Vincent wrote:
We should not judge the poor by their clothes, outward appearance or by their mental capacity.
We should be caring for the poor, consoling them, helping them, guiding them.
The service of the poor is to be preferred to all else.
Pray to God to inspire us with compassion and pity.

Founder Edmund Rice
Edmund Rice was born to a farming family on 01 June 1762 at Westcourt, Callan, Kilkenny, Ireland. After receiving elementary education at the local “hedge school”, he attended a commercial academy in Kilkenny city.

In 1779 Edmund went to Waterford and was apprenticed to his uncle, Michael Rice, in the business of supplying all the needs of ships that plied their trade across the Atlantic ocean. He earned enough money to make himself and his family comfortable for life.

Marriage and tragedy
In 1786 Edmund married Mary Elliot, the daughter of a prosperous businessman. After three short years of marriage, Mary suffered a tragic accident, gave birth to a handicapped daughter, also called Mary, and died shortly after. Edmund was devastated. His sister came from Callan to look after his house and assist him in caring for his daughter. When she turned 14, he brought young Mary to his home in Callan where his married brother cared for her.

Radical change
In 1802, Edmund, a forty-year old widower and a highly successful business man, changed course radically. His heart was touched by the crowds of unruly boys who spent their days on the quays of Waterford fighting and begging with no school to go to. No one showed interest in them. Society failed them.

Edmund sold his business interests and started a school for these poor boys in a converted stable with a room for himself above the makeshift classrooms.

Edmund was joined by two companions, Thomas Grosvenor and Patrick Finn. The three of them began to live a form of community life in the rooms above the “Stable School “. They shared Edmund’s vision of semi-monastic life and the hard work of teaching unruly boys under primitive conditions.

During the following year he used more of his funds to erect a large school building in the city’s working-class district and named it Mount Sion. Each classroom could accommodate 100 boys. The Brother in charge of a class was assisted by older boys, “monitors”, who instructed the other boys in small groups.

For Edmund religion was the most important subject. The improvement in the boys’ lives made the difficulty in teaching them worthwhile. A bakery house was built to provide fresh bread everyday and a tailor shop was setup to make clothes for the boys.

Edmund described his MISSION in a simple clear intention:
"Trusting in God's help I hope to be able to educate these boys to be good Catholics and good citizens."

On 15 August 1808, with Bishop Power’s approval, Edmund and the Brothers dedicated themselves to their mission by profession of vows according to the Rule of the Presentation. Schools were opened in other towns. With their success, requests for schools came from all parts of Ireland and England. God’s blessing was evident in the work of Edmund and the Brothers.

On 05 September 1820 Pope Pius VII approved the Congregation of Christian Brothers. Edmund was elected the first Superior General. From this point onwards the Brothers opened schools on all five continents. In 1848 two Brothers arrived in Calcutta to establish Edmund’s work.

Final years
In 1838 Edmund, now 76 years old, laid down the onerous office of Superior General. He returned to Mount Sion, where he spent his remaining years. He died on 29 August 1844, aged 82 years. He was buried at Mount Sion.
