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Adress : 3, Church Road, Howrah-711101, West Bengal, India
Contact : +91 33 2641 2138 / +91 33 2641 3590 / 9831230823, 9932341248
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St Thomas’ Church School, Howrah, founded between 1860 and 1865 by Rev Dr William Spencer, Chaplain of St Thomas’ Church for the education of Anglo-Indian children of Howrah, is one of the largest and most famous schools in Howrah. The school now admits children from all sections of society, irrespective of caste, creed or religion.

The affairs of the school are controlled by an efficient Board of Governors, as determined by the Constitution of St Thomas’ Church School.

His Grace, The Bishop of Calcutta, is the Chairman of the Board of Governors.

• Chemistry / Biology Laboratory
• Computer Laboratory
• Counselling
• Home Science Laboratory
• Library Facilities
• Physics Laboratory

For details please visit

Some Rules
In addition to satisfying the Academic Standard, at least 75% attendance is compulsory for the promotion of a student. Pupils from classes 9 to 12 with less than 75% attendance will not have their names sent to the Council. Parents are requested to check their ward’s attendance given in their class diaries and in their Report Cards.
The school bears no responsibility for any decision taken by the Council (ISCE) barring candidates from appearing in the ICSE / ISC Examinations.
Pupils who are absent for more than three months without intimation are liable to have their names struck off the school rolls.
Medical certificates are mandatory in cases of illness.
Pupils suffering from infectious diseases must complete the quarantine period before rejoining school. In such cases medical fitness certificates must be produced.
Parents/Guardians are requested to refer to the School Calendar regarding terminal holidays in planning vacations. Requests for leave of absence prior to the official closing date and after the reopening date of the school will not be entertained.
Attendance on days immediately prior to and after vacations is compulsory.
If a pupil is unwell, he should not be sent to school under any circumstances. Appointments with doctors must not be made during the school hours. Only in extreme cases the Principal can grant such requests.
Pupils absent for tests / examinations will not be retested/re-examined.
Irregular attendance, unexplained absence, habitual late coming, disobedience, disrespect, misconduct or any objectionable behaviour of any kind may result in the removal of a student from the school.
Children should be punctilious about manners, speech and behaviour at all times. Implicit obedience to school rules and regulations is an essential condition for continuance on the school rolls. They must, at all times, show respect and deference to teachers, members of the staff and guests.
Parents and guardians are requested to be punctual in collecting their children from the school. School authorities will not be responsible for the students left behind for more than half an hour after the closure of the school.
All efforts are made by the school to orient the child to talk, read and write correct English. All students must converse in English while in school.
Students should take pride in their personal appearance. Moustache, beard, stubble, long hair or weird hair styles are not permitted.
School property should not be willfully damaged or destroyed by students. Any such damage caused, will be compensated for by the student(s) concerned.

School uniform
The School endeavours to inculcate habits of cleanliness and neatness among students. Parents are requested, in the interest of their children and school, to see that their children are always smartly turned out, not only while attending school but also elsewhere. It is compulsory for students to wear the approved school uniforms.

Regulatory school uniform
Short well-groomed hair is mandatory for boys. Use of bleaches, dyes, colours and gels are prohibited.
Girls should have their hair properly combed. A black hair band or ¼ inch blue ribbon must be worn if their hair is long. No fancy clips or hairgrips are allowed.
Girls are not allowed to grow or paint their finger-nails for any reason what so ever. Use of hair colour of any kind or the use of henna is discouraged.
The wearing of wrist-bands, rings etc. with religious significance must be properly endorsed by the Principal.
Sikh boys are required to wear light blue turbans or ‘patkas’.
Fancy shoes, keds, trousers less than 15” width, or bell-bottoms are not allowed.

School Anthem
With Ganges gently flowing
And the towering bridge close by
Our school has borne its banner

For scores of years head high!
St Thomas’ Church School, Howrah
Hath struggled oft and won
Its glories great and shining
Have echoed with each new sun.
Its glories great and shining
Have echoed with each new sun.

We laud and honour its motto
We vow “To Press towards The Mark”
The torch of truth must we carry.
Till falsehood flee in the dark
Be guide thou true and faithful
Each step of life’s journey through
For life and love thou madest,
And life revolves around you.

For life and love thou madest,
And life revolves around you.
We thank thee lord for knowledge,
We thank our dear teachers too
What glorious memories, we’ll take back
When schooling days are through.
We pray thee lord to bless us.
Now and in the yaers to come
Strengthen hearts and hands with wisdom
So that Thy will be done.
St.Thomas’ Church School, Howrah
Our song will thus be sung.