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Address : St Joseph's School North Point, Darjeeling 734104
Contact : 0354-2259153
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Each year, the admission is conducted for classes 3, 6 and 11. Please contact the school office if you require any assistance for admission.
Admission Help line
• 0354-2259153/ 0354-2251022
• Call Hours- 8.30am to 3.00pm (Working Days)

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• Campus-Buildings
• Library
• Labs
• Smart class
• Museum
• Multi gym

Sports Facilities
• Football • Basket ball • Volley Ball • Tennis • Swimming

SJS Life • Clubs
• Arts
• Drama
• Music
• Class photos

Month’s Activity
• Class 12 orientation
• Covid-19 relief materials
• Inaugural Eucharistic Celebration of NP 
• Investiture Ceremony/Academic Awards Day
• Regular Health checks at North Point before the classes begin
• Sanitizing the campus everyday
• St Joseph Feast day
• Staff meeting
• Women's day celebrations
• Workshop on POCSO

Inspired by Jesus and guided by Ignatian ideals, we at St Joseph’s School, North Point, Darjeeling, aim at the holistic education of our students in order to create a just and a humane society.

Rooted in Gospel values and in Ignatian Spirituality, we the Jesuits, staff and students of St Joseph’s School, North Point, Darjeeling, together commit ourselves to strive for academic, spiritual, social, emotional and physical excellence in order to become men for others.

Our expectations from our day scholars’ parents
1. It is our belief that the primary educators are the parents. We are there to assist you secondarily towards the formation of your child. Please cooperate with us as we cooperate with you. Towards this endeavour please ensure the following:
2. That you personally read the calendar and be familiar with all the rules and regulations of the school and sign it at the designated place.
3. That you check the calendar of your child every day to see what the school has announced, Homework to be completed and other important information.
4. That you check his weekly unit test marks and go through his monthly report card carefully.
5. That your child is well dressed, appears clean, has neat haircut and does not feel out of place in school because of your negligence.
6. That your child carries a proper lunch which is wholesome and not junk food.
7. That you are solely responsible for the safety of your child to and from school.
8. That you visit the school occasionally to discuss about your child with the teachers and the school administration and not to visit the teachers at home for this.
9. That you ensure that the wards are keeping good company and do not roam around the town uselessly.
10. That you try and attend the school functions even if you are busy because it matters for your child, and never miss a Parent Teacher Meeting.
11. That you don’t give money to your child for various school purposes/functions without counter checking or verifying with school authority.
12. That you closely monitor watching of movies, the Television and the use of the Internet.

Basic Discipline
1. All North Pointers are to behave like gentlemen. Students are responsible to the school Authorities for their conduct whether on campus or outside the school. Students are expected to show respect towards teachers at all times.
2. North Point is a Drug Free, Smoke Free and Violence Free School. All are to cooperate to maintain this challenge. Violators will be dismissed.
3. Bullying is strictly prohibited inside the school and no such act will go unnoticed or unpunished.
4. Mobiles are banned at all times. Mobiles will be confiscated and will not be returned and a fine of Rs.10,000/- may be imposed.
5. North Point is our home and therefore anyone damaging the school property in any way will not be tolerated. Accidental breakages must be duly reported to the Prefect. All are to keep the school neat and clean.
6. No student is allowed to write anything on notice boards or disfigure school walls or classroom furniture. Violators will be fined as the case may be.
7. Students are not permitted to transact any business in the school. There must not be any borrowing or lending of any articles among each other.
8. The school diary is a must for each student to carry every day to class. All records of late arrival, absence, remarks from school authorities and parents, homework and breach of discipline must be recorded accordingly.
9. The LANGUAGE of the school is ENGLISH. All are to converse in English at all times. A fine for not speaking in English is Rs.1,000/- and repeated violators will be dismissed.
10. Violators of School rules will be fined, given detention, suspension and dismissal as the case may be.

Absenteeism and late arrival
1. Punctuality is a value at North Point. All are to be punctual for all school activities and class.
2. Late arrivals are not to be admitted to class without meeting the Prefect.
3. Except in the case of illness, prior permission must be sought from the Principal for any absence from school. A medical certificate must be produced with a note from the parent for any sick leave and marked in the calendar.
4. For all other leaves the prior permission of the Principal is required. The parent must come personally to seek this permission in writing.
5. For any absence the parents must accompany the child to school to give an explanation so that the student can resume classes.
6. A student who is absent for more than a fortnight without information to the school is presumed to have left the school.
7. The responsibility to cover the lessons and homework missed due to any absence lies solely with the student/parent.

Dress Code
1. All students are expected to be proud of the school uniform which is prescribed for over 100 years and wear it with dignity.
2. If clothes do not conform to the specifications parents will be asked to have it re-made to specifications as given to the approved outfitters.
3. All must have the proper games clothes during PT and other games times.
4. Shoes must be regular for all.
5. No one is to play games with black regular school shoes even during the short recess.
6. All are to have haircuts which are neat, clean and decent.
7. The school blazer is to be worn at all times during school hours, outings and travel to and from school.

Out of bounds areas
1. Students are not allowed to enter the staff room without being accompanied by a staff or permitted to do so.
2. Students are not permitted to go to the school garden area at all.
3. Students are not permitted to visit the residential staff quarters without the permission of the Rector/Principal/Prefect/Treasurer/ Minister.

Stationery and Prescribed Books
1. All the students are to have the prescribed books. They are not allowed to borrow from others.
2. All are to have the school exercise books which bear the school name and emblem. These can be purchased from the school stationery.
3. All books are to be marked clearly with your name, number and subject. It should also be marked as either class work, homework or rough work.

Games Equipment
1. North Point encourages games for a sound and healthy mind and body.
2. All are to use the games equipment properly.
3. Put back all the equipment from where one has taken it. Do not leave it on the ground.
4. No one is to take the school games articles for personal use. It is for everybody.
5. No one should carry games articles into the dining hall. Leave it in the games bin.

1. Drinking water is very precious in Darjeeling. Drink only from the places where it is marked “Only for Drinking”. Do not use drinking water for washing.
2. After games wash your hands only at the designated place.
3. Use dust bins which are all over the campus. It is the responsibility of all to see that there is no littering.
4. Chewing gums are not allowed as they are not hygienic when disposed of.
5. Use toilets with care and with respect for the next person after you. A school is as good as its toilets are clean!
6. The canteen is a place to show your gentlemanliness in the way you eat and dispose of waste after you finish. Stand in line and after you finish put away the dishes properly. Put the soft drink bottles in the rack. Do not leave the dishes on the floor.
7. No one is to eat in the class rooms except in the designated places.

Examination & Promotion
1. Students are expected to submit Weekly Projects on Mondays.
2. Any student of class 6 to class 9 who fails in 2 subjects cannot be promoted and if in addition he fails in 3 other subjects he may not continue in the school. In case of a class XI student, any student who fails a single subject will not be promoted.
3. A student who fails twice in 3 years may not continue in the school.
4. Promotion depends on the student’s performance throughout the year. The marking system is as follows: 50% weight-age is given to the first semester and 50% for the second semester. Both semesters are FINAL EXAMS. A student will be finally promoted based on the marks of both semesters.
5. A student who uses unfair means in any Examination will be penalized with zero for all subjects in that semester.
6. There is no provision for any retest.

Colours are awarded for excellence, distinction and outstanding contribution of students in the field of games and sports. Blue Coat & White Coat Any candidate who is awarded three blue coats will receive a White Coat.
Colour awarded may be withdrawn, if a boy is suspended due to disciplinary action.

# Vikram Memorial Merit Scholarship for Academic Excellence and Character in Classes 9 and 11 Arts, Commerce and Science
# Abhishek Barua Bursary for Best Academic Record in Class 11 Science
# Fr Kinley Bursary for the Underprivileged Children

Punctuality and attendance
1. All students must carry their identity card failing which you may be sent home.
2. Day scholars should ensure early departure from home to arrive punctually for class.
3. Late arrivals must report to the Headmaster with the school calendar before being permitted to enter the classroom.
4. If attendance is irregular or falls short of the required percentage the student will not be permitted to sit for the terminal exam and will have to repeat the class.

1. Day scholars are to ensure that they do not hang at the backs of vehicles to or from school.
2. Day scholars may avail of the school bus service. Bus-passes will have to be stamped on the school diary from the office of “The Controller of Accounts”, charges vary for different stages.
3. Day scholars are not to be found loitering in the Motor Stand while on their way to and from the school. They are also not to be found roaming in town in their school uniform beyond a reasonable time after school hours.
4. The school does not take responsibility for the safety and security of the students once they leave the school campus. Parents are solely responsible for the same.

1. Day scholars are expected to bring lunch from home or may purchase their lunch in the school canteen.
2. Students will not be allowed to go out of the school campus for lunch.

1. Parents are requested to check their son’s school calendar regularly to see if any remarks have been noted, or to see that Homework is copied and done regularly. Boys, who report in without the homework being done, will be kept back for detention after class.
2. A student who fails to report in for detention will have multiple detentions.
3. Parents must bring to the notice of the Principal if no homework is given or it has not been corrected.
4. Parents are requested to check the monthly report cards regularly.

1. Parents must regularly check their wards’ progress in class. Parents may see concerned teacher with due permission from the Principal during the break or teacher’s off period. They are not to go to the classroom directly or cause any sort of disturbance.
2. At the end of the Semester the parents of Day scholars are to come to the school to collect their son’s report card on dates specified. In case of inability to report on the specified day a note of regret and likely date of attendance will be appreciated.
3. Parents are requested to be present for parent-teacher meetings called from time to time.

1. Office Hours: The Principal will be available in his office on all working days between 9.00am- 12pm and 1.00pm-3.00pm. On week-ends and holidays no business matters can be discussed.
2. Date of Birth: Date of Birth once recorded at admission cannot be changed.
3. Assumption: Anyone absent from the school for one fortnight or more in succession without intimation or prior permission from the School Authorities will be considered to have left the school.
4. Tournaments: Students are not permitted to join outside tournaments except through the school.
5. Fees: The school reserves the right to increase fees at any time, even during the academic year, if an increment is deemed necessary. Fees once paid will not be returned.
6. Examinations: Students are not allowed to appear for any examination (including music) from outside except through the school.

1. All the boys of classes 3 to 12 may use and borrow books from the school library.
2. The Library is open on class days during class hours.
3. Each boy is given two borrower’s cards and therefore may have two books at a time.
4. Books may be kept for two weeks but must be returned by the date given on the date slip in the front of each book.
5. Boys who keep books longer than two weeks will be fined Rs. 10.00 a day.
6. When a boy returns a borrowed book, he must give it to the Librarian and not put it anywhere else.
7. Books in the reference section may not be taken out of the library at any time for even the shortest period.
8. Books should be taken good care of. Nothing should be written in or pages torn out of a book.
9. Perfect silence is to be kept in the Library at all times.
10. Every boy must read at least one Library book every two weeks.
11. Fine will be charged if books are lost or damaged.
12. For ISC/ICSE candidates, clearance must be obtained from the library before collecting mark sheet.

The House System
The House System was introduced in 1936. Four Houses Ashley, Garnet, Campion and Southwell had been established with a Boy Perfect each. There are no records of those after 1938. In 1952 the present system was introduced. The Houses were named after four deceased Jesuits who had served many years at North Point.

Depelchin House – named after the founder of St Joseph’s College and builder of North Point, Fr Henri Depelchin sj (1822-1900).

Fallon House – named after Fr Joseph Fallon, a former Prefect and Rector 1913-1919. Later he became the Superior of the Bengal Mission. Finally he returned to North Point and died here in 1952.

Laenen House – named after Fr Denis Laenen who taught from 1901 until his death in 1946.

O'Neil House – named after Fr Edward O’Neil who had been a teacher and then the Prefect. Later he was appointed Rector of St Xavier’s College, Calcutta.

Objectives of Jesuit education
Inspired by the life of Jesus and eager to spread the Gospel values through unconditional love and service to all people, the needy in particular, St Ignatius of Loyola founded the Society of Jesus. This vision of the founder gives Jesuit education at North Point a specific character. It sets before the North Point family (its staff, students, parents and alumni) the need to promote the total development of the individual by striving for excellence at the level of one's potential.

Every graduate of North Point is to become an agent of change respecting all cultures, languages and religions and above all recognizing the unique image and likeness of the Creator in every individual. His task is to love and serve his neighbour at all times by upholding the dignity of all and in particular the needy. By committing himself to the service of faith and promotion of justice, he is to lift up his heart, live and work for a just society where every individual will be fully alive, living an upright and humane life.

JESUIT: The Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits, serves the Roman Catholic Church for the greater glory of god. More than 16,000 Jesuits can be found throughout the world forming men and women to love and serve others. There are four Jesuits currently serving at North Point with many lay people dedicated to achieve “MAGIS’.
