
Address : PO Matigara, District Darjeeling – 734010, West Bengal, India
Phone : +91 7319148368
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Success Crowns Effort

Established in the year

Rules & Regulations
• The guardians and students are directed and/or bound to follow the rules and regulations currently in force.
• All students are required to go through the contents of all Notice Board affixed at various points within the campus.
• All students are required to speak English during school hours and beyond. Any student found speaking in any language other than English, strict action will be taken (Students are allowed to converse in vernacular language only during their language classes)
• It is mandatory that students should attend at least 85% of the classes of a particular academic year, in addition to attending at least 90% of the class tests held throughout the year, to be eligible for sitting in the final term-end examination.
• The pass mark of the test shall be 45% of the total marks to be allocated for such examination.
• Guardians may be asked to donate or arrange for funds for charities and /or special programmes to be organized by the School from time to time.
• The Principal shall be available for consultation and /or hearing of any complaints, between 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. on working days and for which no prior appointment is needed.
• Any students found to have forged the signature of their parents, will be summarily issued a transfer certificate.

All monthly fees are to be paid in advance within the fifteenth day of each English calendar month.
All session fees and other charges shall have to be paid at the beginning of each academic year.
The school reserves the right to increase the fees at any time of the scholastic year, should it be deemed necessary.
7% annual increase in the fees is normal.

• Free school
• Grannies program
• Guides and Bulbuls
• Jesu Ashram visits
• Literary program

St Joseph’s School began on 15 February, 1961 at the request of the guardians and parents of Siliguri town who had made a written appeal to His Grace Archbishop Vivian Dyer of Calcutta for a missionary school. Initially the school was located in Sharaf Bhavan, a rented building in the heart of Siliguri Town. The two pioneers, late Sr Gerard Majella F.C. and Sr Jane Francis F.C. both Anglo Indian Sisters travelled by the bus daily from Gayaganga which is about 20 kilometres from Siliguri. In 1963, the Jesuit Fathers of Darjeeling Province who had some land in Matigara(7 km from Siliguri) sold about five acre of land to the Daughters of the Cross in Matigara.

The Foundation for a new school building (the present convent) began on 08 September to coincide with the Foundation Day of the Daughters of the Cross Congregation. After one and a half years, in May 1965 the present primary school building was ready. The late Bishop of Darjeeling, His Grace Eric Benjamin blessed the new building and celebrated the Holy Mass in the new Chapel. The new session began in June 1965. On 31 July, 1965 the sisters too moved to Matigara. Sisters Gerard Majella, Sr Jane Francis and Sr Mary Gerard and Sr Xavier Clare formed the first community of Matigara with Sr Xavier Clare as the Superior.

On 15 February, 1966 St Joseph’s was recognized as a Primary School from KG, 1-5. The new building (the High School) was completed in the year 1972 and the school was recognized as Junior High School during the principalship of Late Sr Anne Magdalene. She was succeeded by Sr Marie Vianney. In 19…. permission for the introduction of Class 9 was granted. Finally on 06 March 1975 during the principalship of Late Sr Joseph Celine, F.C. the School was granted NOC for affiliation to the Delhi Council. The first batch of 8 students wrote their ICSE and all passed with flying colours. Sr Joseph Celine was succeeded by Sr John Berchmans. The school celebrated its Silver Jubilee during her time. In 1991 Sr Jacinta F.C. succeeded Sr John Berchmans. She introduced ISC Science and Humanities in 1997. The first set of ISC wrote their exams in 1999 and all passed well. After Sr Jacinta, Sr Catherine held the fort from 2000 to 2003.

Sr Margaret who was the Vice Principal from 1990-1997 was re-appointed as the principal in September 2003. The school introduced Commerce Stream for the ISC Exams. In 2011 the school completed 50 glorious years of service. After a record 10 years of service to the school, Sr Margaret bid adieu in 2013. Sr Jacintha took over the reins of the school and has been guiding the school to newer horizons.

Foundress, Daughters of the Cross of Liège - Blessed Marie Thérèse (Jeanne Haze),
Daughters of the Cross was founded by Blessed Marie Theresa Haze in Liege, Belgium in 1833. Her childhood & early womanhood were lived against the political upheaval of the French Revolution in so far as it affected Belgium. She experienced the loss of home, loved ones, possessions and knew what it was to be poor and displaced.She was conscious of her vocation very early in her life. Her first experience of suffering during the French Revolution was when her family exiled to Germany.

Early Years
Jeanne Haze was born in Liège, Belgium, in February 1782. She came from a loving family which gave her spiritual strength throughout her life. Her first experience of suffering came as a result of the French Revolution when Jeanne and her family were exiled to Germany. During that time her father died. The family lost everything and Jeanne became aware of the transitory nature of material belongings.

She was conscious of her vocation very early in her life. Because of their own experience of the Cross, Jeanne and her sister Ferdinande were drawn to those most in need. In answer to a request by Dean Cloes of St Barthélemy in Liège, they opened a school for poor children.

Jeanne and her sister were joined by other young women wishing to lead a religious life. The local curate of St Barthélemy, Father Habets, who had initially been opposed to their desire for the religious life, soon changed his mind and collaborated in the writing of the first Constitutions of the future "Daughters of the Cross".

School Anthem
All glory to St Joseph’s
Let us gaily sing,
Our love and our loyalty
To her portals bring
Our school we love and cherish
Gratitude we show
We ask God our Father
His blessings to bestow
Fidelity to duty.
To honour and to truth
Taught us in St Joseph’s
In sunny days of youth
When school days are over
Our varied paths divide
May the lessons we have learnt
Forever be our guide
Her hopes we will fulfill
Hard though life’s way be
Gather we all school-mates
To pledge our loyalty
To prove that we are worthy
We will play the game
And for great St Joseph’s school
Win honour, praise and fame.
