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Address : D-26 Ashoke Avenue, PO Chittarnjan, Burdwan 713 331, West Bengal
Phone : +91 95470 51198
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KG to class 12


Medium of instruction

St Joseph's Convent Higher Secondary School, Chittaranjan, under the Catholic Diocese of Asansol Educational Trust, is affiliated to the Council of ICSE and ISC Examination, New Delhi.

It is a Catholic Institution established by the church. Its administration is presently entrusted by the Catholic Diocese of Asansol to the Carmelite Sisters of St Teresa (CSST) which runs well established schools in India.

The Institution was established in the year 1952 under the rights and powers granted to religious and linguistic minorities by the Constitution of India (Art. 20 and 30). The Catholic Diocese of Asansol is the Founder Body in succession of this Institution.

The school is recognized by the Anglo-Indian Board of West Bengal and affiliated to the Indian Council for Secondary Education, New Delhi, ICSE & ISC. West Bengal has given "No Objection Certificate" (NOC) for its approval.

The Railway authorities have given the land on lease for the school, and the buildings and infrastructure are provided by the Church.

Our aim
While the prime purpose of the establishment of this Catholic School is the education of Catholic children in Catholic Faith and Principles; children of other faiths irrespective of caste, creed or community are also admitted.

As a Catholic School, it is a Learning Community which has Christ as its central motivating force. His values expressed in the Beatitudes and summed up in the virtues of love, sincerity, justice and freedom which permeate the atmosphere that children of all social backgrounds, even the most deprived, and of all religions, feel welcome in the loving warmth which cherishes even as it challenges.

The School fosters the all round growth and development of students to their fullest potential; spiritually, intellectually, culturally and physically. It guides them in the development of a sound value system and inculcates in them a deep love and appreciation for their culture and country. The school tries to create an atmosphere in which the students find scope within their own cultural milieu to reflect on their life and to develop not only in knowledge and skills but also in that wisdom which is the fruit of life and its lessons.

The Education imparted is characterized by thoroughness, high principles and freedom. The students are helped to grow in responsibility, self-reliance, and human maturity so that they find the meaning and purpose in their lives and are inspired to live and work for building up a just and fraternal society. Hence the idea of service is set before them so that they are trained to be concerned for others, to be aware of their needs and to make sacrifices when necessary, to share what they have with the less privileged. Efforts and co-operation are therefore be, needed to instil in them the team spirit.

Our mission
"Transformative education for fullness of life"
Focuses on:
Awakening the hearts with goodness and godliness
Flowering the minds with clear perception
Right understanding and cultivation of healthy body
Wisdom and discernment through knowledge and understanding

For details please visit >

Application for admission to class KG 1 on the prescribed form is normally accepted in the months of October, November or December.

At the time of admission, parents must submit to the school office a declaration in writing stating the child's exact Date of Birth and it must be supported by an authenticated extract from the Corporation / Municipality / Gram Panchayat, showing the Date of Birth. Catholic children are required to produce their Baptismal Certificate at the time of admission.

A pupil who has attended any recognized school can be admitted with a Transfer Certificate from the school last attended. If a pupil comes from a school outside the State of West Bengal, the Transfer Certificate must be countersigned by the Inspector of Schools of the State from which the pupil comes.

There are three vacations during the year - Summer Vacation, Puja Vacation and Christmas Vacation. Saturday is usually the weekly holiday. However the students may be asked to be present for Social Work and co-curricular activities on these days. Special classes also may be conducted to cover the syllabus.

Pupils are prepared for the ICSE Examination (Indian Council for Secondary Education, New Delhi) and the ISC (Indian School Certificate).
In addition to the subject prescribed by the Board, and Council syllabus, the curriculum includes Religious Instruction (for Catholics), Moral Science (Non-Catholics), Value Education (for all), GK for Classes KG 1 to 12.

Bengali or Hindi as second language is taught from Class KG 2
Bengali or Hindi as third language is taught from Class 5 to 8.
Pupils are also provided audio-video learning through Tata Class Edge.

Co-Curricular Activities
"Practice as if you were the worst; perform as if you were the best." Co-Curricular Activities are those activities which are opportunities for those budding stars who want to exhibit their multifarious talents.
The Co-curricular club of SJCHSS conducts following activities and helps the students to break through the nutshells and gain confidence:
Creating stories

"Towards excellence & digitization"
In this age of automation computer is probably the biggest change in education. St Joseph's Convent Higher Secondary School has upgraded its teaching method by introducing Digi-Classes from the year 2009. It has widened the vision of the teachers as well as the students as every subject is taught through Interactive Board for better understanding and learning of the students. The newly furnished computer labs of both the buildings have opened new doors of knowledge for the students.

Modern technology mingled with education is becoming a characteristic feature of the present educational system.
There was a dire needed for the credible platform which provides quality infrastructure; strong subject material and an environment conducive to optimal learning which would help children improve their academic performance.
SJCHSS became the first school in West Bengal to introduce this technology by installing Pearson Digi-Class. Now, we have tied up with Tata ClassEdge.

The E-Learning & Digi-class advocates the use of special software installed on all the laptops connected through Wi-Fi technology to the main server which comes with thousands of learning elements such as animations, videos, 3D interactivity, worksheets etc. which are all designed to ensure superior teaching / learning practices. The Digi-class uses an Electronic Interactive White Board where these audio visual explanations & animations are displayed. Digi-class introduced in our school is going a long way to enhance students' performance by facilitating long time retention and retrieval. Its dynamic and interactive nature encourages active learning and brings the subject to life.

Students Leadership & Participation
A leader must be a visionary and should be able to inspire innovation and change to provide high level strategic leadership for effective and efficient execution of ideas & views in every field. We, the Josephites involve ourselves in various clubs and committees.

Spiritual and Moral Guidance:
Individual counselling is provided to the students, parents, as well as teachers according to the need. Special prayers are offered to God for the needy, poor & diseased.

Clubs and Associations:
Eco club is rendering yeoman's service to the school community to build up strong awareness among the students about the challenges faced by Mother Earth.
Every student is given a small poster containing slogans explaining the responsibility for cleanliness of the school. The trees of the campus are named by the students after the great heroes of the world reminding that they have been and will be breathing for every Josephite the pure air and freshness of life.
Joseph's campus wins the title 'Polythene Free Zone and Zero-litter Campus'

Co-curricular Club
This club conducts activities such as extempore, elocution, debate, quiz, essay & poetry writing, creating stories, to help the students to break through the nutshells and gain confidence.

Paryavaran Mitra
The Paryavaran Mitra programme is the initiative of CLE in partnership with the Ministry of Environment and Forest (MOEF) and Arcelor Mittal. The goal of the Paryavaran Mitra programme is to create a network of Young people across the Nation who have sufficient knowledge and awareness and commitment to meet the Challenge of global citizenship and climate change. In Paryavaran Mitra a child realizes the following:
Plantation of trees
To keep the house, surroundings and school campus clean
Conservation of water
Optimum use of energy resources

Media Club
The members of Media club provide the Josephites with the news updates in economic, social, political spheres and sports. The members are encouraged to contribute to the website writings on various current issues and are the makers of the News letter named "Josephite Panorama".

Music Club
To meet the challenges of the present time, the school also gears up for one special feature of humans - that is to develop the latest talents of students in songs, dance and instrumental music. Human Rights' Clubs The students have the right to protect their identity, needful assistance and keep themselves safe and sound. So the club members always stretch their helping hands to the needy and troubled to overcome the crisis period.

The motto and aim of NSS is to help the poor and needy. So the club members collect old clothes and stationery and distribute the same among the poor students of the interior villages of West Bengal.

Little Way Association
The catholic students have a special role to play in devoting their time and energy in pleasing God in little ways with much love after the example of their patroness St Therese - The Little flower of Jesus.

Sports and Games Club
The year has been an eventful one for the Josephites. The school has various games teams and added new feathers to its cap as number of matches viz. Football, Basket ball, Badminton, Table Tennis and so on were organized and the students proved their efficiency in every field. SJCHSS has achieved the supreme honour 'BEST ATHLETIC SCHOOL' among the 46 participating schools in the Regional Sports Meet 2011 of ASISC, West Bengal Chapter. Excluding these clubs, there are several committees for the all round development of the students so that the banner of St Joseph's may fly higher and higher in the days to come.
• Academic Committee
• Arts and Craft Committee
• Cleanliness Committee
• Committee of Volunteers
• Cultural Committee
• Discipline Committee
• Examination Committee

Our inspiration
ST JOSEPH, the patron of our school is the husband of Virgin Mary and the foster father of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. According to the Holy Bible he was a God fearing man, obedient to the divine inspiration revealed through dreams by God. He is known as the just, obedient, upright and hardworking man who toiled for the family.

ST JOSEPH is a model of obedience, hard-work, justice and uprightness for all those who come and study here. He takes care of all and intercedes for those who come to the portals of St. Joseph's.

More than half a glorious diamond years have elapsed since the seed was sown in the little town of Chittaranjan. This seed germinated and during the years has grown tremendously in strength. Today it stands as a mighty tree in the form of St. Joseph's Convent Higher Secondary School.

The Railway (Chittaranjan Locomotive Works) Administration approached Rev. Fr. Roeland SJ, the then Dean of Asansol, with a request for a group of Sisters to open a school at Chittaranjan. In response, His Grace Dr. Preier, the Archbishop of Kolkata, invited the Sisters of St. Joseph's of Chambery, Nagpur. Heeding the call, the two pioneers, Sisters Michael and Celine, arrived at Chittaranjan on a day of Holi, the festival of colours. Thus 13th March, 1952 became a red letter day for Chittaranjan. On 17th March 1962, they set to work with 27 students and two lady teachers laying the foundation of St. Joseph's Convent High School.

In 1964, the school had the strength of 130 students and it obtained recognition for Primary Section from the Government of West Bengal. In 1965, the school was upgraded to Class VIII. The Government of West Bengal accorded recognition for Junior High School in January 1966. In December 1969, however, the good news of opening Class IX with 6 students was short lived as the Inspector of Schools asked to close down Class IX due to inadequate accommodation.

However, on March 18, 1972, the Government of West Bengal recognized the school as the High School. This laurel infused in the missionaries an undaunted spirit of dedication, and they did not leave a single stone unturned to fulfill the dream of the people of Chittaranjan. The first batch of 5 students who appeared for ICSE examination came out successfully securing cent percent result.

It was in 1977, sensing the need of the institution growing in number and merit, the Railway Administration leased out a plot of land along Ashoke Avenue for construction of a new school building. Indeed it was a gift to St. Joseph's to celebrate the silver yester years of its existence. Till 1980, Sisters Michael, Celine, Josephine, Claire, Pius, Philippa and Ann Charlotte headed the institution with all its ups and downs. On 31st December 1980, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Chambery bid good-bye to St. Joseph's Chittaranjan, which they had cradled for 29 years.

At the request of the Archbishop of Kolkata, the Sisters of Apostolic Carmel ventured to carry on the noble task of educating the children of Chittaranjan. On 2nd January 1981, the pioneering band of Apostolic Carmel Sisters Florita, Merita, Irene Pereira, Polycrap, Marcelia and Therese Alvaris took over the administration of the school.

The Sisters of Apostolic Carmel bid farewell to St. Joseph's Convent High School, nay, to Chittaranjan on 2nd July 1990 on completing the contract with the Archdiocese. A note of gratitude springs out from every heart for the marvellous achievements and the contribution made by the Sisters.

In the year 2007 ISC Science, Commerce and Arts (Humanities) Streams were introduced. Introduction of computer E-learning Digi-class for all the classes for the first time in the entire North- Eastern Region added another feather to St. Joseph's cap. Much care is taken to keep up excellence in all spheres. All round development, value based education, development of personality and computer education are given prime importance.

The birth of Asansol Diocese, bifurcating from the Archdiocese of Kolkata was a boon. The timely care, guidance and constant support of the new Diocese enables the institution to sail safely amidst the stormy weather. The vision for future urged the school authority to approach the CLW for more land to extend the educational service to more students. In 1998, they leased out a plot of land in Ashoke Avenue to accommodate and extend quality education to children and the construction of school building for Primary was accomplished in 2002. Still the Institution kept growing in number and merit. There was more pressure on school authority to admit more students by opening one more section. The need of the hour was met with further extension of the school building with the facility of auditorium.

All through the journey, the Chittaranjan Locomotive Works administration saw that every need was met and every facility was provided within their limits.

May it inflame the Josephites with added zeal, new insights and creative projects for an effective and rich contribution to keep the Mother Earth young and happy.