St. Agnes School, Kharagpur

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Jan 2022

Address : 6 th Avenue, Kharagpur 721301, West Bengal
Phone : +91 03222255410
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Name of the Founder Body
The Apostolic Carmel

Email of the Founder Body

Contact of the Founder body

St Agnes School, Kharagpur, started in January 1951, is an English medium School, run by the Sisters of the Apostolic Carmel. It is a Catholic School established and administered by the Apostolic Carmel Educational Society under the Roman Catholic Bishop of Kolkata.
The classes in school are from Nursery to class 12.

The school was recognized by the Educational Department of the Government of West Bengal, Primary School in 1953, Govt. order No. 4921. Edn. Dated 15/16th June 1963, Higher Secondary School in 1967, Order No. 1795 Edn-M dated 6th Sept 1967.

Students are prepared for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) Examination, in Class 10, and Indian School Certificate (ISC) in Class 12.

The medium of instruction at all levels is English. However, either Bengali or Hindi is compulsory as second language. Students of Class 5 to 8 are offered Hindi or Bengali as the third language.

Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW) and Work Experience is stressed upon and assessed by the school authorities, as directed by the Council at Delhi. Work Experience includes service such as keeping the class rooms and campus in the school clean. This is to enable the child to realize the dignity of labour.

• Art
• Dance
• Educational tours
• Games and Sports
• General Knowledge
• Karate
• Literary and Cultural activities and other school activities
• Music
• Physical exercise
• Service Learning
• Singing
• Yoga

The school has
• Bharat Scouts & Guides
• Carmel Blossoms
• Leadership Training Service (LTS)
• Literary Club
• Science Club
• SPICE CLUB (Spread Peace, Improve and Conserve Environment)
• Sports Club

To nurture happy and conscientious citizens

To create a conducive learning environment for individual’s holistic development with our practices for serving the global community.

Aim and purpose
While the prime purpose of the establishment of St Agnes School is the education of Catholic girls in Catholic faith principles, pupils of other faiths irrespective of caste, creed or community are also accepted. The School fosters the all-round growth and development of each student to her fullest potential spiritually, intellectually, socially, emotionally and physically. It guides her in the development of a sound value system and inculcates in her a deep love and appreciation for our culture and our country.

The education imparted is characterized by thoroughness, high principles and freedom. The student is helped to grow in responsibility, self- reliance and human maturity so that she finds meaning and purpose in life and is inspired to live and work for the building up of a just and fraternal society. Hence the idea of service is set before the pupil who is trained to show concern for others, to be aware of their needs and to make sacrifices, when necessary, to share what they have with the less privileged. Efforts are on to instill sense of community spirit rather than a spirit of competition.

School Academic Year (as per 2013 -14) begins in the 1st week of January and ends in January the following year.
Vacations: There are three vacations during the school year. The Summer Vacation in May – June, the Puja Vacation in October-November and the Christmas Vacation in December – January. These holidays may not be extended or anticipated.
Saturdays and Sundays are weekly holidays. Generally the 1st Saturday of the month is a working day. Classes 9-10 will have classes on all Saturdays.

A minimum of 85% attendance is required to be considered for promotion to a higher class.
Every student must be present on the closing and reopening day of the school. There will be unit tests on the closing and reopening day of every term.

a) Information regarding admission to Nursery is published on the notice board by October.
b) After the completion of Preparatory (Nursery to KG II) every student will have to apply for re- admission into class 1. This is only for those who are already given admission either in Nursery, KG I or KG II.
c) New candidates must be introduced personally by their parents/guardians who will be responsible to the Principal for their conduct and fees.
d) The admission form must be filled in with the utmost possible accuracy. Authentic birth certificate should be produced.
e) A candidate who applies for KG II and above should have a Transfer Certificate from the school last attended; it should be of a Recognized School.

Examination and Promotion:
a) The progress of a pupil is judged in various ways such as class work, home work, class tests & viva, project work, assessments and examinations.
b) There will be two terminal examinations and two unit tests for all the classes. Classes 9 to 12 are prepared very intensely for their Board Examinations. Therefore three examinations are conducted for them.
c) Promotion to the next class will depend on the aggregate of all the marks obtained in the terminal examinations and unit tests. There will be final Terminal Examination for class 1-4. However class tests, unit tests and project work will be conducted throughout the year to evaluate a child’s progress.
e) English being the medium of instruction, no student failing in it, will be promoted to a higher class.
f) For KG I and II, tests are conducted every week or fortnight. Parents are requested to co-operate by sending their wards regularly to school.
g) Tuitions are to be discouraged at all levels especially in the lower classes.

2 Audio Visual Rooms
2 Computer Labs
2 Libraries (made available for students even on Saturdays)
Conference room
English Language labs
Labs Biology Chemistry Physics
Mathematics lab
Music room
Smart boards in every classroom

Apostolic Carmel Congregation
The ardent desire to be one with the Creator, urged Mother Veronica of the Passion to serve humanity with generosity, courage and determination which gave birth to the Apostolic Camel in 1868. Mother Veronica, nee Sophie Leeves was born in 1823, in a pious culture to English Anglican parents in Constantinople. She was gifted with the singular gifts of mind and heart which were nurtured by sound education and wide experience. Though the daughter of a Protestant Pastor, she embraced Catholic Faith in 1850, amidst bitter opposition from the family. God took possession of her heart so powerfully that she courageously and generously responded to the call to religious life. She entered the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition in 1851, taking the name “Sister Veronica of the Passion”. She came to India in 1862 and worked at Calicut.

When in Prayer, she experienced a divine call to enter Carmel; she made the difficult choice of leaving her Congregation of St. Joseph to join Carmel, Congregation of Cloistered sisters at Pau, in France. Again it was terribly difficult for her to leave the peace and happiness of the cloister to set about the task of founding a new Carmelite Order for India to sow the seed of faith formation through education of young girls of the West Coast of India. The need for a Third Order was very urgent because in those days, Education in India was meant only for boys which brought great dissatisfaction to the Indian women who cried out for knowledge and the light of education.

So God in his infinite wisdom chose Mother Veronica to reveal this objective together with Father Marie Ephrem, a Carmelite Priest, who had come as a missionary to serve the Indians. She founded the Congregation of the Apostolic Carmel at Bayonne, in France in the year 1868 and established it in Mangalore, India in 1870. Following the path of the Carmelite tradition of St. Teresa of Avila and Mother Veronica, the Sisters of the Apostolic Carmel try to combine in their lives Contemplative Prayer and serve the need of the day. The focus of their apostolic service is Christ in His people, the church and the world at large. The pioneering spirit made itself felt from time to time in the Congregation.

When there was a need of Higher Education for women in South Kanara, it was the Apostolic Carmel who established the first Women’s College (St Agnes College) in this region in 1921. The Apostolic Carmel extended its mission to North India in 1921 and to Sri Lanka in 1922. To this day the Congregation tries to fulfill the purpose of its existence through formal and non-formal education of youth in its various Colleges, regular Schools, and Schools for the Handicapped, Teacher Training Centres, Women’s Welfare Centres, Prison and Healing ministry. The Apostolic Carmel is established throughout India, Sri Lanka, Kuwait, Pakistan, Kenya, Bahrain, Rome and Naples. It aims at developing the students entrusted to its care, into committed people who should be leaven in their milieu putting love and meaning into human life and endeavour. Today there are over 190 institutions of the Congregation. Mother Veronica’s work lives in 1800 sisters who serve God and people throughout the Country.