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Jan 2022

Address : 1 King’s Road, Howrah 711101
Phone : 7896945325
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Name of the Founder Body
Daughters of the Cross, Calcutta

Email of the Founder Body

Contact of the Founder Body
Sr. Regi Mathew FC, Provincial > 8420333957

Academic year > April to March (both months inclusive) of the subsequent English Almanac. At the end of Class 12, students appear for the Indian School Certificate Examination.

The School presently admits only female students; priority for admission is given to students belonging to the Christian community; and, thereafter others, irrespective of religion or caste.

St Agnes’ Convent School is a minority school recognized by the education department of the Government of West Bengal and affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi.

This is an English Medium School where every effort is made to teach the student to learn English effectively as a written and spoken language.

The School, founded in Howrah in 1880, is run by the Religious Congregation of the Daughters of the Cross. This Congregation was founded by Mother Marie Therese in 1833, and since its formation, it has been active in the sphere of spreading education throughout the world.

• Bengali/Hindi
• Biology
• Chemistry
• Christian Doctrine, (Catechism) / Value education
• Commerce
• Computer for classes 1 to 12
• English
• Geography
• History & Civics
• Mathematics
• Physics

Bengali or Hindi is compulsory as a second language from class 1. A Third language is compulsory for classes 5 to 8.

Extra-curricular activities
• Art
• Craft
• Dance (classes 3 to 5)
• Karate (classes KG to 7)
• Needle work
• Physical Training
• Singing
• Yoga

General information
Our School aims at providing quality education for all-round development of a student, so that at the end of her school tenure, she becomes a complete woman, adept at presenting herself in the right mould before the outside world. In keeping with our objective, students are exposed to many extra-curricular activities, and orientation programmes, which help to build the students’ personality.

We aim to mould a student in such a manner so that she can easily integrate herself in society, work place and the like with ease, poise and confidence, and able to lead her peer group and elders with the same poise, confidence, and right direction.

Admission For further details visit

Prospectus shall be generally sold from the School counter on prescribed time and date which shall be duly notified on the school notice board/Web. Prospectus shall be issued to any willing guardians, without any verification and/or restrictions. Parents are also requested to apply in other schools in good time to avoid disappointment.

Submission of the prospectus shall entail that the guardian has understood the meaning and purport of the rules and regulations, currently in force, and which shall come into force in future, and has fully agreed to abide by such rules and regulations, should their ward/s be selected for admission.

Mode of selection may vary from the previous years and it shall be the prerogative of the management to adopt any means that it deems fit and proper, and the prospective and/or existing parents/guardians shall have no role to play in the matter.

Some important Rules
In case at the time of admission of the student, there is a subsistence of any litigation between the parents, be it matrimonial and/or related to any matter concerning the parent/guardian and which concerns the custody and/or the future of the ward to be admitted, and the same be under any nomenclature, then such information shall have to be intimated to the school.

In case the parents are divorced, such details shall have to be intimated, and a photocopy of the certified copy of such decree must be submitted. It is also mandatory that in case a guardian has obtained custody of the ward through lawful means, a photocopy of the certified copy of such order must be submitted. In case there is any estrangement and the couples are staying apart, then the custodian of the child, who is to be admitted, shall have to make such declaration relating to such estrangement and the subsistence of litigation/s, if any. In case any litigation are pending, then such particulars relating to case numbers and the place of its pendency shall have to be filled in. Upon the conclusion of such cases, the details as to the outcome of the same shall have to be intimated to the School authorities at the earliest, annexing a photocopy of the certified copy of such orders.

No rights will be entertained in favour of any ward/student/guardian for the mere purchasing of a prospectus and/or submission of application form (duly filled in) and/or names appearing in the Final Selection List. Those selected shall be allowed to enter the classes only upon payment of full fees and completion of all other admission formalities which shall be notified on the School Notice Board and the fee book, and such payment shall be made in cash only in lieu of valid receipts to be issued by those manning, the cash counter at the School. Any type of payment made at the time of admission will not be refunded.

Payments made in any place other than the cash counter of the School shall be at the sole risk and discretion of those making such payment/s and the School shall not be held responsible for any delay and/or negligence of such intermediaries, if any.

Final admission shall be based on merit. Participation in the oral and written test shall precede a screening of the application form. List containing the names of valid applicants would be displayed on the School Notice Board/Web. Thereafter, such applicants have to appear for an interactive session and their ward shall have to appear for an oral and written test, and only those found suitable to admit shall be called for admission. All parents/guardians shall only follow all the instructions as stated on the School Notice Board/Web, and anyone dealing with any tout/middlemen/intermediary and/or entering into any financial transactions with them shall do so at their own risk and the School authority shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever. Canvassing in any form will disqualify a candidate.

Lack of infrastructural instructional facilities restrains us from admitting children with any sort of learning, listening, and/or visual disabilities/debilities, or children suffering from any form of autism, dementia and/or if the child is deaf and dumb. Hence, guardians of such wards are discouraged from purchasing and/or submitting the application form in our School.

Withholding of any information/suppression of material information and/or any misleading information/ statement containing wrong information, even if found at a later stage, would make the student liable for severe penal measures, which shall include rustication from School. However, such penal measure shall be preceded by a letter of show cause. The decision of the principal would be final and binding in such cases, and the guardians shall have to accept and honour such decision of the School without any protest and/or demur.

General Instructions for Guardians and/or Students
There are three Vacations during the year - summer, Puja and Christmas Vacations. Any unexpected holiday will be made up on the following Saturday.

Students are not allowed to bring in any unauthorized objects like cosmetics, CDs, story books, gifts, cakes, magazines, pornographic material, any material containing explicitly adult themes/content unsuitable for students/persons aged less than 18 years, fancy watches, cell phones, astrological rings, mehendi and the like (unless duly asked for to be brought in by any teacher/principal in writing). Food items are not to be brought in polythene or disposable plastics.

Students are allowed in with only text books, as prescribed by the school authorities, art works, art and craft materials, physical instruction dresses/shoes, pencil box containing eraser, sufficient number of pens and/or pencils, sharpeners, rulers, and other paraphernalia required for the pursuit of academics, exercise books (duly covered by the covers supplied by the school authorities).

Students found in possession of any of the items not stated to be permitted herein shall be confiscated and no complaints shall be entertained on this count by the School authorities.

Guardians are requested not to take their children for holidays before the said date or extend the vacation.

No guardians will be allowed to enter the School premises at the commencement of School hour. Guardians shall be allowed to enter the School premises, only for payment of School fees, at least 30 minutes later from the beginning of School hour.
The parents/guardians are directed to come to school in a decent formal dress, and none would be allowed to enter the school premises in their casual wear. Smoking, chewing of paan, tobacco, entering the school in an inebriated state or with the odour of alcohol is strictly prohibited.

All students are required to speak in English during School hours and beyond. Should any student be found speaking in any language other than English, strict action will be taken. Students are allowed to converse either in Hindi and/or Bengali only during their language classes, and not beyond that.
All students are required to bring in their own food/tiffin/snacks, which should be light and non-sticky. Students have to wear the school uniform. To ensure uniformity all orders must be placed with the school tailor. Students are not allowed to wear any make-up, gold or silver ornaments, imitation jewellery and the like. Students are strictly debarred from using mobile phones, iPods, transistors, cameras, and any other electronic items of any variety for any reasons whatsoever.

It is mandatory for all students to participate in orientation programmes, symposia, seminars, discussions, debates, elocution, and other School functions and celebrations. Students may be required to stay longer hours in School. Intimation of the requirement to stay longer hours than usual shall be notified to the parents/guardians either on the School Notice Board and/or through individual circulars, at least two working days prior to such requirement.

The guardians are requested to make adequate arrangements to take their wards home as and when such programme gets over.

The School may organize orientation programmes for the guardians as well and it is expected that the guardians shall turn out in large numbers.

Guardians may be asked to donate or arrange for funds for charities and/or special programmes to be organized by the School from time to time.

It is mandatory that a student should attend at least 85% of the classes of a particular academic year, in addition to attending at least 90% of the class tests held throughout the year, to make herself eligible for sitting in the final term-end examination.

The pass mark for all tests shall be 40% of the total marks to be allocated for such examination.

Students are not allowed to take private tuitions from any of the teaching and/ or non-teaching staff of this School.

Communication with the school authorities shall only be in writing addressed to the “The Principal/ St. Agnes’ Convent School”. In case of any dispute/complaints/ dissatisfaction/ consultation/interaction with any authorities of the School, the Principal is the competent authority with whom the parent/guardian is required to interact. It is also made clear that in case of requirement of any consultation relating to any matter concerning the students, the school authority will only interact with the parent/guardian, as defined herein, of the student, and not anyone else.

Any students found to have forged the signature of their parents, will be summarily issued a transfer certificate.

Students would be punished for indiscipline, misdemeanor, misbehaviour, for telling lies, acting on the sly, not bringing to School the essential materials and the like, which, in the opinion of the School, might be beneficial for the greater growth of the child, and if such punishments are inflicted, then the guardians shall not be allowed to raise any protest for the same.

Fees are to be paid monthly in advance at the beginning of each quarter and the same shall have to be paid to the bank in cash.
All session fees and other charges shall have to be paid for and cleared by month of May. Failure to clear such dues may entail your ward not being allowed to attend classes.

Every year 10% of the tuition fee will be hiked. Please note that there shall be an increment of school fees at any point of time during the year. The parents/guardians are to bear with such increment of fees as and when imposed.

Appellate Authorities
Complaints, if any, may be stated in writing on a A-4 Size paper, duly addressed to “The Principal, St. Agnes’ Convent School, 1, Kings Road, Howrah-711101", and dropped in the Drop Box to be specially kept for such purpose. Such complaint shall contain, inter alia, the signature of the complainant, the name of his/her ward, the roll no., the class where she is studying, and the specific charges/reasons for grievances against any staff/ facilities of our school. Such Drop Box shall be opened only by the Principal of our School, and the contents of such letters of complaints shall be kept fully confidential. Upon reading the contents of such letters, necessary steps, if tenable and necessary, will be initiated by the management of the School.

Complaints may be directly referred to the principal in writing, seeking redress, against any staff of our School. This process may also be applied to prefer an appeal against any decision and/ or any action taken against any student by any staff of our school, and also by any staff of our school against any action within the school premises by any student and/or guardian of the school. However, in such case, efforts would be made to hear the accused and the complainant also, and if found guilty, the staff of the school would be penalized pursuant to the provisions of the service rules.

History of the Daughters of the Cross
Mother Marie Therese (Jeanne Haze), the Foundress of the Daughters of the Cross was born in Liege on 28th February 1782, into a happy united Christian family living in easy circumstances. Her father was secretary to the Prince Bishop of that period. It was this fact which drew the attention of the revolutionary armies of 1794, a year which marked of beginning of sorrows of Jeanne. The family was forced to flee, first elsewhere in Belgium, then further afield into neighbouring countries. In the panic some of the children were separated from their parents. The father wornout by anxiety and fatigue died in exile. When the rest of the family were able to return to Liege their situation was daunting for little if anything, was left of their home and possessions. The only son continued his law studies but died suddenly just after having qualified to begin exercising his profession. The mother and her daughters eked out a hand to mouth existence, struggling valiantly to survive in the war-torn society of the Revolutionary wars, and their aftermath in Belgium.

Whilst their other sisters married and were busy settling their own households, Jeanne and her sister Ferdinande decided not to marry, but remained with their mother until her death. The two sisters then lived a secluded life, devoting the greater part of their time and means to caring for the poor. When a friend of theirs decided to enter a convent, they were responsible for the small fee paying school which she had been running. This assured a livelihood. But when a little later they were asked to take over the poor school in the parish of St. Barthelemy in liege, in spite of the protests of family and friends they accepted and gave up this little school, thus facing once more the insecurity of poverty.

This was a decisive turning point in Jeanne’s life. After the years of trial and sorrow, it was the cross that attracted her as the outstanding sign of the everlasting love of God for each of his children. She felt drawn to respond to the prodigal, generous love by seeing and serving Christ in all she met. Why did she not turn to religious life? The French Revolution has closed the convents and dispersed the religious. The successive governments were equally unfavourably disposed and Belgium, under the rule of the Dutch, entry to Religious orders was forbidden by law.

Because Jeanne Haze could not find around her the means for which she was searching slowly the idea of a new foundation took shape. She was ready for whatever the service of God demanded, fashioned as she was by suffering ,and entirely open to the will of God and the needs of her environment, in faith and hope she went ahead with the idea of a new religious family. Besides her sister Ferdinande, three other companions shared her hopes and desires. A young curate of the parish John William Habets, consented to be the spiritual director of the little group, though at an outset, he strongly opposed a new foundation, he eventually threw himself into the idea with all his heart.

The Belgium Revolution of 1830, and the ensuing independence of the country which followed, changed everything, and made possible much that had hitherto been forbidden. The new Congregation began on September 8th 1833, when Jeanne Haze, to be known hence forth as Mother Marie Therese, and her companions pronounced their vows, becoming Daughters of the Cross, the title she had long since chosen. Beginnings are rarely easy. The faith of the foundress, already in her early fifties, was soon to put to the test when three of her first companions died within two years of Foundation, and a gifted but misguided novice endeavoured to supplant her as Foundress. In spite of all this, vocations multiplied and the little congregation made rapid progress.
Teaching, the original occupation, was soon followed by caring for the sick in their homes, for orphans who had to be provided for and for girls and women in moral danger or in prison, who needed help. This early diversification of works was a mark of the spirit of Mother Marie Therese, who was ready to meet all the needs that were addressed to her, whether these were permanent such as those mentioned above, or temporary, such as the care of those stricken by the cholera epidemics of Liege of 1849 and 186, or of the wounded of the battlefields of 1866 and 1870.

As early as 1851 the Congregation spread into Germany. In 1862 the first sisters sailed for India and in 1863 a group set out for England. Wherever mother Marie Therese wished to send her daughters, she found a way. From the  beginning she had the indefatigable support of the young Fr. Habets later to become a Canon involved in important diocesan works, but finally entirely devoted to the care and promotion of the congregation. He can perhaps be considered as co-founder, for without him Mother Marie Therese would not have been able to set on so many foundations. They died in the same year, 1876, Mother Marie Therese on January 7th and Canon Habets on 29th December.

The Congregation has continued to spread and to reply to many needs. At present, in addition to the countries mentioned above, there are houses in Italy, Ireland, the United States, Pakistan, Zire and Brazil.