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Address : post Naxalbari, District Darjeeling, West Bengal PIN 734429
Phone : 8695374424 / 9735716539
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Seventh-Day Adventist English School is a co-education Missionary school located 24 km from Siliguri towards Nepal and is 7 km before Indo-Nepal border.

Seventh-Day Adventist English School, Naxalbari, West Bengal is located at the foot-hill of the Great Himalayas in the Northern part of Bengal amidst the beauty of the lush green tea gardens. Fresh and healthy air enhances the educative capabilities of every pupil. Connected by the Asian Highway - 2, which provides the best transportation service and commuting.

“True education is the harmonious development of the physical, the mental, the spiritual and the social powers.” – Mrs. Ellen G. White The Seventh-Day Adventist English School, Naxalbari, West Bengal is established with the purpose to educate the child for eternity and to prepare him/her to be able to face challenges at every level of life. Today our children are deprived of moral education which I feel and consider as the most important education in life. This is leading them to unpleasant situation. We all would love to see that our country is free from corruptions of any kind in any level. Therefore, the school aims at developing a good moral character in a child. The school prepares the child to be a better citizen of this great nation. May God bless all of you as the school serves the society in providing with all four dimensional education to develop the physical, the mental, the spiritual and the social powers of the pupils.