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Address : Bottola By Pass Road, Jamuria, Asansol, West Bengal PIN 713362
Contact : 91-8906498370
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ICSE (class 10)


Medium of instruction

Rosa Mystica School (RMS), Jamuria, is a Christian institution established by the Catholic Diocese of Asansol and administered by its founder body since 2000 in complete missionary vision and as part of our endeavour. Being a Catholic institution, we give a lot of emphasis on value based education and upbringing of the students from a very young age. The Priests and Sisters along with other teachers and support staff on the campus take utmost care to reinforce human values and moral aspects of the students. The school is a co-educational institution by its nature, along with a broad based curriculum and conducts varieties of co-curricular activities. Being run by Missionaries with a secular outlook, the students enjoy the freedom to be who they are and imbibe essential human and spiritual values respecting every religion, caste and creed.

About the School
Rosa Mystica School is the perfect place where students can enter into the world of discipline, knowledge and wisdom. It provides best education for all those who come to the portals of this institution from the neighbourhood and surrounding areas insisting on the all-round growth of the child and enjoy their childhood in an ambiance of tranquility, compassion and brotherhood. This institution appreciates and welcomes the suggestions of the guardians and well wishers. Our school is a home away from home as long as the children are under our care. Our strength is our guardians, students and the staff. We grow together, move together to build a healthy, harmonious and just society through our humble effort of providing quality education in this remote part of Asansol Corporation.

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