Address : 9 Elliot Road, Kolkata-700016
Contact : 033 2229 4256
Email : loretoelliot@gmail.com

Website : https://www.loretoelliot.org/

School Motto
Unafraid Together

The school is affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations
ICSE: Class 10 level ISC: Class 12 level

Academic Sessions
Nursery to Class XII- April to March

Loreto Day School Elliot Road is often considered to be a 'School with a Heart'. Here, the cosmopolitan structure of the School coupled with an encompassing social structure of society gives a 'real window' to the values that Loreto stands for. Social, cultural, religious and ethnic bonding with its true meaning is found here. The perfect mixture of conservativeness with modernity is the basis of our success. Humility and humbleness are the cornerstones of our school - be it our efficient office staff, our ever willing support staff or our mainstay - our very own teaching faculty headed by the Principal.

The Loreto Eliot Road , believe in empowering and recognizing the individuality of each child by achieving a fusion of social, cultural, religious and ethnic bonding, to make it a “School with a Heart.”

Aim of Institution
• Primary purpose is the education of Catholic girls; pupils of other faiths and denominations, irrespective of caste, creed or community are also accepted.
• Give the pupils a sound moral development along with intellectual, social and physical development.
• See the values of Integrity, Justice, Freedom and Love as essential to its educational thrust.
• Cherish the most deprived people and enable them to take their place among others in society with dignity.
• Parents who intend to have their children educated here would need to be convinced of the importance of these values and be prepared to make the necessary sacrifices in order to live by them.

General Rules
• Pupils are expected to behave in a lady-like manner on all occasions. They should address their teachers and companions with genteelness and courtesy. Refinement of manner, uprightness and self-restraint should distinguish every pupil.
• Girls wearing school uniforms are not to speak to boys on the street and parents are requested not to send young boys to school to collect the girls.
• Attendance is compulsory on non-teaching or activity days, like Republic Day, Teachers’ Day, Picnics, Sports Day, etc.
• Pupils are responsible for their own books, money, etc, and are advised to keep them in locked bags or cases. Any willful damage to school property will have to be replaced by the offender.
• Uniform is compulsory even on birthdays. Children are permitted to distribute only sweets to their classmates.
• Pupils are expected to walk on the left, in the corridor and on the stair-cases. When going from one class to another, girls should walk in a single line.

• Be humble
• Utilize your time constructively and positively
• Serve others to the best of your ability
• Keep a positive mindset
• Act out of love
• Spend time cheerfully be courteous to all
• Do your best at all times
• Be ladylike at all times

Private Tuition
The school forbids all private tuitions. The teachers are not allowed to give private tuitions nor are they allowed to recommend anyone for the same since this will interfere with the proper execution of their school duties.

• Art and Craft
• Basket-Ball
• Creative Writing
• Dancing
• Debate
• Elocution
• Extempore Contests
• Fashion Designing Competition
• Flower Arrangements
• Formulae Competition,
• Handwriting Competition
• One-Act Plays
• Physical Training
• Quizzes
• Rangoli Designing Competitions
• Singing
• Table Competition
• Talent Hunt

• Computer lab
• Library
• Play ground
• Science labs

Institution Profile
Loreto Day School was founded on 10 January 1956 by Mother Gertrude O’ Keefe. This School is a Catholic Institution under the management of the Sisters of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto Sisters), founded by Mary Ward in the importance it plays in Society.

In 1821, Teresa Ball established the first house of the Institution in Ireland and called it Loreto, the name by which all the subsequent foundations are still known. In 1841, Loreto Sisters under the leadership of Delphine Hart came to India. This Religious Order has now spread throughout the world and engages itself in a variety of activities, including the education of girls. Gradual Path of progress of the school - the landmarks

January 10: The school was founded by S.M.Gertrude O'Keefe (1st Principal). The school started with 190 pupils.

The then Chief Minister Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy visited the school and addressed the students. Evening study classes were started.

The new Junior School building was occupied.

Silver jubilee celebration started from 25th Sept of that year. Past pupils reunion was started.

Christmas Tree Programme for all catholic children was initiated from this year. The school acquired the 1st place in Basket ball at the state level championship.

Inauguration of Open School.

JPIC was initiated under Sr. Mary, the then Principal.

LTS group was organized. They attended their first inter school LTS Day.

Roshni School was opened to impart non-formal education to poor children of the locality under the guidance of Sr. Shalini.

ISC section was opened, started with the Humanities section with 50 students.

Golden jubilee Celebrations- 50 years of our school.

Instead of 4 houses now we have 6 houses. New names given
• School give-over time changed to 1:55p.m.
• Extension of our school building on the primary school premises.

Rainbow school started with the night shelter

Computers introduced in class 3
• New Sports uniform introduced.
• Plus 2 uniform changed.

Projector for school was bought to make classes interesting using audio visual aids

The school compounds were re-laid.

The school website launched under Sr Shalini Rozario. Sr A. Nirmala took over as a Principal.

Commerce introduced at ISC level.