La Martiniere for Boys, Kolkata

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Address: 11 Rawdon Street, Kolkata 700017
Contact: +91 33 4040 6612, +91 33 4040 6613

School motto
Labour et Constantia > By Labour and Constancy

La Martiniere for Boys, Kolkata offers an all-round education up to the Higher Secondary level. It is affiliated to the Council for the ISC Examinations New Delhi, which conducts the ICSE & ISC Examinations at the close of Classes 10 and 12.

The school has a very wide spectrum of co-curricular activities which receive as much importance as the academic disciplines. Through this extensive range of activities, the students are exposed to varying situations and issues. They regularly participate in Inter-School Competitions at the local, State, National and occasionally, at the International level. The scholastic, the intra and the extra-mural programmes of La Martiniere are geared to nurturing academic excellence, independent and creative thought, tapping of diverse talents, leadership training and a deep commitment to serving the community.

Every student must be in possession of his School Dairy on every working day. Non-compliance with this rule may debar a boy from attending school for the day.

Any student who misses a Unit test in the Middle or Senior School when representing an official school team in any inter-school competition will be awarded average marks of the class.

There is no such thing as a half day leave for students. Either the boy is in school for the entire working day or he stays at home. If an appointment is made with a doctor, the boy must not be sent to school on that day. Requests to send boys home early after unit tests etc will be automatically turned down. A minimum of 80% attendance per term is required.

A student returning to school after suffering from an infections or contagious disease should produce a doctor’s certificate permitting him to do so. Boys afflicted by infectious diseases or exposed to such diseases in their homes must complete the quarantine period before rejoining school.

Students suffering from the following  diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to school.
Chicken Pox – till the scabs fall off completely
Measles – 2 weeks after the rash disappears
Mumps – 22 days
Jaundice – 6 weeks
Whooping Cough 6 weeks
Cholera – after complete recovery

Principal’s Message
Established in 1836, La Martiniere for Boys has been imparting academic excellence as well as ensuring holistic development so that every pupil passing through its portals faces the outside world with integrity and sound character.

Owing to strong academics, varied extra and co-curricular activities, and the exemplary performance of our boys, both inside and outside school, we treasure the reputation of being rated as one of the best schools in India.

We are a school based on strong Christian values, but secular in our instructions. We start with boys at two and a half years, which really puts them at the centre of all that the school is about, and gradually build their connection with the school in a compassionate and healthy environment. This develops a passion for learning and they enjoy each day in school. After class 12, their journey in school comes to an end, when they pass out as thorough gentlemen, each one ready to make a valuable contribution to the world.

Our pupils give us plenty of reasons to be proud of. This is achieved under the close guidance of learned, caring and deeply committed staff, who help me in providing new challenges, opportunities and balanced education for our pupils.

A successful school cannot function in isolation. My endeavour has always been to strengthen the tri-polar bonding – between the school, the pupils and the parents, so that we can share in the collaborative effort to bring about spiritual nurturing and effective and successful learning. A kind of education that can change our boys and through them will make the world a better place. It is a source of satisfaction to see that our pupils are prepared not just to earn a living, but have also learnt how to live.

I use this platform to acknowledge with gratitude, the dedication and sustained efforts of all those people who have played an integral part in the growth and development of this great institution. These include the Board of Governors (past and present), the former Principals, Staff (past and present), the Alumni and most of all, our students.

The Legacy
In 1752, a 17 year old Frenchman named Claude Martin came to India as a humble private in the armies of the East India Company. But Claude Martin was no ordinary soldier of fortune. He rose rapidly to the rank of Major General and also spent many years in the service of Shuja-ud-daulah, the Nawab of Oudh. By the time of his death in September 1800, he had amassed property worth over half a million pounds sterling. So far, Claude Martin’s career reads like that of so many other Europeans who found fame and fortune under the powerful patronage of the East India Company. And indeed, if that was all there was to the man, he would have soon been forgotten in the musty pages of history. However, Claude Martin was a man of vision and he left generous endowments to start schools in Lucknow, Kolkata and in Lyon, in his native land of France. La Martiniere Schools, Kolkata, were the result of his desire to start an educational institution for the ‘’public good of the town of Calcutta’’. It took 30 years to dispose of the litigation arising out of Claude Martin’s will. Finally, as a result of a Supreme Court decision, La Martiniere Schools opened in Kolkata, on 1st March, 1836.

Major General Claude Martin : Born – 04.01.1735 - Died – 13.09.1800 Claude Martin, the Founder of the La Martiniere Schools was born on 4th January, 1735, in Lyon, France. He signed up with the French Compagnie des Indes and came to India, seeking his fortune. Later, he enlisted in the Bengal arm of the British East India Company in 1763.

A gallant soldier, he rose to the rank of Major- General in 1775 and moved on to become the mediator for the Nawab of Oudh and the British. Claude Martin amassed a huge fortune. He was a man of vision and he left generous endowments for the founding of schools which have been established in Lyon, Lucknow and Kolkata.

Major General Claude Martin passed away on 13th Sept, 1800. La Martiniere, Kolkata was finally opened on 1st March, 1836. Originally a single school, it was housed in what is today the boys’ school campus. In 1840, La Martiniere for Girls become a separate entity… and since then there has been no looking back.