Website :

Address : 9 Beliaghata Main Road, Kolkata 700 085, West Bengal, India
Phone : (033) 6500-7153
Email :

The school is affiliated to CISCE.

Academic session

School fees and other charges are payable in advance as per schedule

Facilities available
• Classrooms
• Computer room
• Library
• Play ground
• School office
• Teachers’ room

Curriculum and Assessment

Total Personality Development Programme (TPDP)
All students admitted/enrolled in Calcutta Boys’ School, Beliaghata, will be subject to the Total Personality Development Programme (TPDP) which include

• Academics
• Compulsory participation in Field Games and Sporting activities,
• Counselling sessions
• Exposure to Christian prayers and hymns
• Regular health check-ups and

Assessment Procedure
CLASSES 1 to 4 : NO formal examination or terminal tests will be conducted. Students will be assessed on 2 class assignments, comprising 50 marks each, conducted during the course of the two semesters I and II. The final total will be on 200 marks. All students who perform satisfactorily in class and obtain the minimum grade required i.e. 40% and above will be promoted to the next class.

Middle School (Classes 5 to 6)
Classes 5 to 6 : Students will be assessed twice a year i.e. Semesters I and II. Each semester will include one class test of 20+5 marks and one term examination of 75+ 5 marks. The final total will be on 200 marks. The promotion of a student will be determined on the basis of his total performance during the entire academic year. Students will be marked on all of their work in the class projects and assignments, written work, oral and aural work, response and preparation of daily work at home and in school.
Class 5 - 6 will have 25 marks assessment in GK, MSc, Games, Music and Art, based on their class response/performance and projects only. No separate class tests will be conducted in these subjects.

Extract from Headmistress’s message
Someone has said that Education is weapon launched into the future, using children as missiles. The lotus blooms in murky waters, CBS Beliaghata was started in the year 2010, and initial rented rooms in the Lee Collins Institute, till Class – 4.

It is only on 29 June, 2016, that the school found its permanent premises at 9 Beliaghata Main Road. A temporary structure was built, and now we look forward to a permanent building coming up. CBS Beliaghata was dreams come true. Right from clearing the debris, to putting up a boundary wall, to construct the present structure that housed the school for the last 2 years we are now in great expectation of our permanent school coming up.

We have a great heritage – a history of 140 years, of serving the educational need of a nation. Our mentor, in all thing, spiritual, moral and education, has been our parent school, CBS situated at 72 SN Banerjee Road. It was born out of the vision of Bishop James Mills Thoburn and supported by philanthropists like Sir Robert Laidlaw, Bishop F W Warne and Rev Gorge S Henderson. The missionary zeal of ethical teaching combined with a passionate caring attitude was the hall mark of the school’s character. Hence it is this characteristic that has permeated down through the centuries in all the four branches of CBS, thus highlighting the character of the school.

CBS Beliaghata is one of the very few good English medium schools in North Calcutta. Hence, we have been welcomed with open arms. We are proud to have made a mark in what is known as “adi Kolkata” and in a matter of 3 years have made our presence felt. We are thankful to the local administrator of KMC for having beautified our school façade with a clean pavement, adorned with the statues of Mother Teresa and Jesus Christ, casting their blessings on our school and on all who pass by.

CBS Beliaghata had roll strength of 300 plus, for the session 2018–19. We are unable to take in more students because more classrooms are needed. Parents are eager to enroll their children with us because of our holistic approach to education. The emphasis is not in Academics alone, but in all those activities that build up one’s character and moral. Hence, we give equal importance to Games, to Boy Scouts, to drama, debate and music as well. We have watched our children over the years grow into well balanced, young human beings.

We are close to reaching the ICSE Board Examinations (Class 10) in another 4 years. It will be a day of great celebration, when the tiny tots we have nurtured, will leave school as mature, mentally proficient and emotionally sound, young gentlemen – credit to the parents and to the school. We pray for God’s blessing, on each one of our students, parents and our Chairman, the RT Rev Bishop P S Masih and Mr Raja McGee, our Principal and supportive members of our Managing Committee. We are waiting and watching this sapling school develop into a mighty oak tree!