Which is better online class or school ?
Which is better online class or school ?

One of the ‘new normal’ during the Covid-19 pandemic is the online school classes. The traditional method of a teacher teaching in a classroom and imparting knowledge to the students has been put on hold for a temporary period. Now, teachers do impart knowledge to the students, but from the comforts of their home. During the lockdown, the schools, in order to teach the students, had no choice but to revert to the virtual means. Taking the help of the internet and other software, the school authorities were able to start the new academic session. This was a completely new ground for everyone – the school administrators, the teachers, the students and also the parents. Everyone is still making efforts to make it work smoothly. Though this is proving to be a massive help for the time being, the obstacles are too many.

Seeing from the perspective of the continuance of learning, this is undoubtedly a progressive step. But since this change was so sudden, no one could be trained how to go about with the online classes. That is where all the difficulties cropped up for the teachers, students and as well as the parents. It was never easy. It was a trial and error method for all and where so many people are involved in the entire ordeal, it indeed was a challenge.

Whether it is work or education, it is always better to be physically present at an institution rather than virtually attending it. Well, considering the current social situation, online learning is undoubtedly the best and only alternative for studies. However online classes cannot take the place of the real classroom, where the students also learn to socialize with peer groups. Further, online classes reduce the personal interaction between teachers and students. This, in turn, increases the communication gap between them.

Further, a home cannot give the ambience and experience of a school. Discipline is what is missing mostly in the online classes. No matter how strict one might be with the child, the psyche of a child always considers the home a place of comfort. So, even in serious situations of becoming educated, they are not able to concentrate completely. The formal yet lively environment of the school is absent.

The satisfaction of the teachers, in teaching students virtually, is not fulfilled. They still prefer being present in a classroom with the children and interact with them. When teaching online, they are not only holding the attention of a student but also the parent. They feel as if their freedom of how they teach is being infringed upon. With this thought in mind, often the teachers are not able to teach with full confidence. 

A disturbance in the internet connection or a glitch in the software brings about a lot of confusion in the execution of the classes. At times, the teacher and the students cannot hear or see each other properly. As a result of bandwidth issues, many students are forced to keep their video off, which means that the teacher has no clue if a student is sitting in the class and listening or playing offline or online games, or using the internet entirely for other purposes.

The otherwise simple method of writing in notebooks and submitting them for correction has now become a rather long and complicated process. The teachers instruct the students to write the assignments, take a picture of those, convert them into JPEG or PDF format and then send them to the teacher via email. In the process, the student’s parents have to intervene and play an active role in helping the child to send their work to the teacher. This takes away a lot of time of the parent, which is how the rest of the work around the home also gets hampered.

The school is always known as the second home for children, a place where they learn how to socialise and accept others the way they are. This is an important lesson for life. Simultaneously, the students also learn how to strive for something, through sports and competitions. The online schools are not the ideal kind of replacement for things like these. The students through online learning do not get to meet and socialise with their friends and enjoy themselves. The students are deprived of learning to adjust with all types of characters.

The students attend their online classes on a computer, a laptop or a mobile phone. Continuously staring at the computer or mobile screen for a long time can be a strain on the eyes of the children. This can affect their eyesight in the long run. Increased exposure to screens can be both physically harmful and mentally tiring for the kids. Students do not face this problem while studying in an actual classroom.

Lack of private space in most Indian homes is a major hindrance to online classes for students, parents and teachers.

The virtual life does not have the same impact as real life, though it may be an effective temporary alternative during the lockdown. The only advantage of the online learning is that no one has to travel, which saves time and energy and also money. Apart from that, I feel online schooling is suitable only for a short period of time. For long term, the traditional method of schooling is the best for students and teachers alike.
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