Tracking Covid-19 patients by States was not an easy task. Illustrate.
Tracking Covid-19 patients by States was not an easy task. Illustrate.

The dawn of the Corona virus has caught everyone by surprise; tackling this invisible enemy is possibly one of the mammoth tasks that the Indian government and people are facing. Initially, what appeared to be paranoia has now, very swiftly, transformed into frustration among the masses. People are becoming wary of staying indoors and are literally in utter confusion of how they should behave. While they hear and see this deadly disease bringing down individuals, a majority of the people especially those not in the best financial health has decided to come out.

They, in their misery of sustenance, are finding it difficult to abide by the rule of complete lockdown that is a state of isolation as a security measure. It is hard for them to take a call, to take or not to take the risk of going outdoors. In fact all the States in India are in this situation, and this is what is making it absolutely impossible for the State governments to track down all people with positive corona virus cases. Moreover India is a thickly populated country which adds to the woes.

Right from the start, when the Centre had asked each State government to comb out those affected by the virus and even the suspects, it has been nothing but a challenge. The population of every State and the life conditions do not make it any easier. The first and foremost obstacle in recognition of a Covid-19 positive case was the lack of definite symptoms. Of course, the primary signs of high temperature, difficulty in breathing and throat ache were indicated by the authorities, but these symptoms showed quite late in a patient. So, the only option left was to wait for the patients to visit the doctor with complaints of such symptoms. Which is why by the time it was affirmed that a particular person was a carrier of the virus, he or she had already come in contact with several others and perhaps contaminated them as well. When this was a moment of trial already, what worsened it was to get hold of all those people with whom the affected person had interacted before it was ascertained of him or her being a positive case. A monumental task indeed!

The second issue was the availability of suitable test kits in plenty. Though each State had received their share of kits, some States complained of the number being insufficient, while others had faulty pieces of equipment. The test kits that were supposed to reveal the probability of affliction were found to be flawed. The Central government then complained about the same and intended to stop payment of such rapid test kits.

Another difficulty faced by the States was the fear created among people by the unbridled rumours of the inept infrastructure of the State. The quarantine centres have earned a bad reputation, and people are convinced that staying there could only lead to a fatal situation for them. Hence, they refuse to get tested and quarantined. The police played a heroic role in a lot of places, yet one cannot deny the ugly spat between the public and the police. Most individuals are afraid to get tested and prefer to stay home rather than going to these quarantine centres, where it is alleged that there is lack of food and attention by doctors. Reports reveal that people have been kept at these centres for days without being attended by any doctor or other health inspectors. As a result, a lot of people have not come forward despite the symptoms. Thus the States do not have the count of such cases. It is a herculean task for the States indeed!
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