Role of NGOs during lockdown 2020
Role of NGOs during lockdown 2020

On 24 th March, 2020, the Indian Prime Minister, Sri Narendra Modi, took the drastic step of imposing a nationwide lockdown with just a few hours advance notice. Well, this was a prudent and necessary step to control the spread of Covid-19 infection in the country, but it badly backfired on the migrant workers and marginalized communities of the society.

The sudden lockdown rendered many migrant and daily-wage workers out of work. The case of the migrant workers is not unknown to anyone anymore; they lacked everything. They had no money, no food, no water, and no place to stay or even no provision to get back to their hometowns. Due to the communication gap that existed because of the lockdown, the government authorities were late to comprehend the plight of the slum dwellers and migrant and daily-wage workers. This is where the Non-Government Organisations (NGOs), stepped in to fill in the gaps of communication and provide essential items to these helpless people of the society.

The NGOs in several ways demonstrated their care and concern for those in trouble. They took up the responsibility of making the basic amenities available to the migrant and daily-wage earners and their families. They made sure that these migrant workers got food, water and also the conveyance to get back to their native places. There were both groups and individuals of various NGOs who even contributed to provide the transportation facilities from their own pockets.

Apart from these travelling labourers, the numerous slum dwellers in the country were also hit by the sudden lockdown. A sizeable number of slum dwellers who do not own radios or televisions, were therefore caught unaware by the Covid-19 lockdown. It was here, too, that the non- government organizations stepped in to provide help to these deprived people. The NGOs took the initiative of informing these slum dwellers about the Covid-19 lockdown and also assuring them that they were there to help them in this difficult moment. The teams of the NGOs made it a point to create awareness among the slum dwellers about the Covid-19 pandemic and different ways to stay safe from this deadly virus.

Most of the slum dwellers are daily wagers. With the sudden closing down of everything, many of them were left without a job. Different NGOs took the initiative of providing food, water and other essential items to these people.

To provide food, they got hold of the local vendors whom they already knew and arranged for the raw materials on credit or at discounted rates. Several vendors too extended a helping hand and gave the materials free of cost. The NGOs took care of everything from the cradle to the grave; they not only got the food and other necessities ready, but also arranged to distribute the same to every nook and corner.

The distribution of all of these items was done by strictly following the lockdown rules. All volunteers were educated on the risk factors and the precautions they needed to take during the distribution, such as the use of hand sanitizers, the wearing of protective masks and gloves, etc. The distribution was carried out mostly in the morning hours. The NGOs roped in the local municipal and police officers to assist them in their charitable work. Gradually, many corporate establishments and celebrities across India came forward in different ways to help the NGOs in their noble work. The NGOs were doing everything in their capacity to assist the common man. Reports reveal that, in 13 states and Union Territories of India, these Corona warriors provided meals to more people than what their respective state governments did since the beginning of the nationwide lockdown.

Thankfully, the government noticed the efforts of these organisations and in a bid to help them ordered the FCI to provide raw materials to all NGOs who were playing such a pivotal role in supporting the masses.

The contribution of the various NGOs and charitable trusts during these testing times is highly commendable.

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