Lockdown reduced pollution Level
Lockdown reduced pollution Level

The rapid spread of the covid-19 virus in different parts of the world forced many political leaders to impose a strict lockdown in their countries. The lockdown had a devastating effect on the economies of many countries, with reports of many companies closing down their businesses and many people losing their jobs. The long period of lockdown also had an adverse effect on the mental health of numerous people. However, for nature, the Covid-19 lockdown has proved to be a blessing in disguise. The lockdown gave nature a time to heal and repair itself from the damages that have been caused to it by reckless human activities.

During the lockdown, schools, factories, offices, malls, cinema halls, multiplexes, public parks, etc were closed for the people. By order, all people were to stay in their homes. No one was allowed to venture out on the streets unnecessarily. With people locked down in their homes, there were almost no vehicles plying in the streets.

The direct consequence of the less to no use of conveyances and vehicles naturally brought the pollution rates down to a zero. Streets and roads were not only less polluted but they were less dirty as well. With very few people in the streets, littering had also reduced greatly. This had resulted in a cleaner and healthier environment.

Air and water quality started to improve as a result of the lockdown in different parts of the globe. The same was also true in India. The daily emission of the nitrogen dioxide levels came down to an almost safe level in March 2020, just after the lockdown was announced. Shutting down of industries and with no vehicles on the roads made a joint effort in bringing down the curve in the air pollutants. Delhi, which is one of the highest polluted cities in the world, saw up to a 44% reduction in air pollutants. As a result, clear blue sky was visible in Delhi after many years. Mount Everest was visible from certain parts of Punjab and Bihar after decades.

Consequent to less human intervention, pollution in water, especially the rivers, had improved drastically. There were no toxic wastes from the factories and industries to contaminate the river water. The river Yamuna and Ganga had reportedly become cleaner. The fishes too seemed to be happy about this change and were seen making their appearance near the ghats of Varanasi. The south Asian dolphins, which are categorised as a highly endangered species, had made their return after almost thirty years in the waters of the Ganga. These beautiful creatures were spotted at different ghats of Kolkata. For the first time in decades, test done on water from Har-ki-Pauri in Haridwar revealed that the water there was 'fit for drinking after chlorination'.

With the majority of people staying indoors because of the lockdown, the wild animals and birds that were only seen in the jungles or on television screens were now found roaming freely in the streets of certain cities. Photographs of several wild animals walking the streets went viral on the internet. Some residents of a Parsi Colony in Mumbai reported that few wild peacocks were seen wandering on the streets. Another event of numerous flamingos crowding the waters was filmed by people from their homes in Navi Mumbai.

Even in various other countries of the world, wild animals and birds roaming in the streets and residential areas in search of food were reported. The water canals in Italy became cleaner, which made the water birds and other water creatures pay them frequent visits. Deer and foxes were seen roaming freely in the streets in Japan. The disappearance of humans in the outdoors made the animals, birds and aquatic creatures feel less threatened, which is why they were coming out in the open and moving about fearlessly.

Due to cleaner air and water, the plants were able to grow healthier. As a result of less human intervention, they are allowed to thrive and produce more coverage. The direct consequence of this is that the amount of oxygen being produced by plants in the nature increased.

The Covid-19 lockdown has played a significant role in bringing back the natural beauty of the earth. It had healed our planet in a way that was never witnessed before in living history.

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