Good Friday Christian Festival Essay in English
Good Friday Christian Festival Essay in English
Good Friday is one of the very important feast days of the Christians. This day marks the death and burial of Jesus Christ. According to the Christian belief, Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He became man and lived among men. He died for mankind on the cross or crucifix to save them from eternal death.
Good Friday is followed by the greatest feast days of the Christians. It is the Feast of the Passover or Easter. For forty days the Christians prepare themselves for this feast of Passover. This period of preparation is called the Lenten season. It falls between the middle of March and mid April every year. The last week of this period is called The Holy Week. Good Friday falls on the Friday in this week.
It is celebrated in commemoration of the 'passion of Christ' that is the death of Christ on the cross followed by His burial. On this day the faithful devotees usually keep a fast. They visit seven churches reciting the fourteen Stations of the Cross. This day is usually spent in solemn prayerful devotion. They attend the church services where passages from the Holy Bible are proclaimed in the midst of the congregation. It is followed by a ritual of the kissing of the cross.
In some churches they even enact the 'passion of Christ' during the Stations of the Cross. Good Friday is followed by Holy Saturday and then the feast of Passover or Easter is celebrated on Easter Sunday. The feast of Passover is believed to be the day when Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead by destroying and conquering death forever.
Thus Good Friday is the day when good prevailed over evil and love over hatred. It is the day when Jesus Christ dying on the cross crushed death forever. So it is not a day of mourning but it is a day of hope and a day of joy for all mankind.
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